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What follows are some notes to help explain the above video. Before reading these notes, please watch the above video.

For readers outside the local area:

  • RCMP: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Sheriffs: Alberta Sheriffs Branch
  • EPS: Edmonton Police Service
  • AHS: Alberta Health Services
  • ETS: Edmonton Transit Service

Pseudo "Common Law," formerly known as the "sovereign citizen movement," has been technically defined by Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke as Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments. (For more information, please see Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571.) Those who donate to or buy pseudolegal documents and other merchandise from these criminals are victims of a crime. Those who follow these criminals in the hope of being freed from the illegal actions of our federal and provincial governments are also victims of a crime.

There is a possibility that the illegal actions of many governments around the would could be exposed through some legitimate legal actions being processed in Alberta, Canada. However, when the legal system is bogged down with multiple illegitimate legal actions involving Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments that specifically mimic and attempt to associate with the only group attempting legitimate legal actions, this become much more difficult.

This same group attempting legitimate legal action is also the group in Alberta providing information in how to navigate a health system following directives from the government to commit democide (i.e., murder). By attempting to discredit this group via association and silence them via infiltration and intimidation, these pseudo "Common Law" criminals are complicit in these murders and attempted murders.

Any law enforcement officer who idly did and is doing nothing as these crimes were and are being committed is also complicit in these crimes.

To all of those outside of Canada, learn from this before it is too late.

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