1. Find and share a resource to support teaching students in secondary years about security in apps (e.g. whatsapp security). Include a brief description.

Application security (short AppSec) includes all tasks that introduce a secure software development life cycle to development teams. Its final goal is to improve security practices and, through that, to find, fix and preferably prevent security issues within applications. It encompasses the whole application life cycle from requirements analysis, design, implementation, verification as well as maintenance.

Activity 2: Design an App - Security Considerations

In this lesson, we extend on the classroom activity of designing an app or digital solution to solve a problem. We have provided a list of elements that could be considered during the design phase rather than being added in on completion. Students will need to draw on their knowledge of cybersecurity elements - encryption/decryption, privacy, data security and ethics.


Google Maps is a global online mapping service. The service was created by Google following the takeover in October 2004 of the Australian start-up Where 2 Technologies . Launched inFebruary 2005in the United States and Canada , then in Great Britain (under the name Google Local), theApril 25, 2006, simultaneously in France , Germany , Spain and Italy .

The service is available on web browser and in application, on PC , and mobile. Shots of some streets are also available with Google Street View