rdquinn posted: " The following is an excerpt from a church bulletin in Harwich, Massachusetts. I think it is sadly accurate. I think it is something all Americans should be very concerned about. Over the course of the last decade or more, we have seen the political " QUINNSCOMMENTARY
The following is an excerpt from a church bulletin in Harwich, Massachusetts. I think it is sadly accurate. I think it is something all Americans should be very concerned about.
Over the course of the last decade or more, we have seen the political landscape undergo a very dramatic change. I long for the days when we had two major parties - one leaning to the left and one leaning to the right, but with the same common goal of working for the good of the whole. In those days, both sides could come together on an issue and engage in something exceedingly rare today - they could compromise with the belief that most Americans are somewhat in the middle and know that you've give a little to get a little. We know those days are gone.
The age of compromise has been replaced with the age of tribalism. In this age, politics is a zero-sum game that demonizes the other and will only be satisfied if the other side is completely decimated - no matter the cost. Vengeance and contempt have replaced compromise and progress.
A great sign of this divide comes from a recent CBS/YouGov poll that revealed that 54% of Americans view other Americans as the biggest threat to our nation. That means that both Democrats and Republicans view the other side as more dangerous to American than Russia, China, global warning or any other real threats we face.
Another way of saying all of this is that the temperature on our public discourse is burning hot - as hot as the temperature outside - and we've got to find a way of turning it down. This is where I think we, as a people of faith can make a difference and help turn the temperature down and get back to something that resembles civility.
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