A Motley Sisterhood of Pirates! BOOK Three (Part Fourteen: Blog Eighty-Two)
By Dan Watt and Taylor Norris, co-authors of the Rita Walker series
* The Witch: Portrayed by Taylor Norris (cloak by Creaturre Clothing: https://www.instagram.com/creaturreclothing/?hl=en, split blade knife by fireandsteel.ca)
The Witch sits behind a wooden desk, taken from one of the ruined ships, the whirlpool flung out onto this world. Behind her are bookshelves, from another shipwreck. Reaching between a variety of vials, collected over the years, she picks up a jeweller's eyepiece.
She inspects what's left of the Nueva Conquistadors' hand. The area of the missing digits is pink and healthy looking. "Looks infected," she says in a monotone voice. "The rest of the hand and part of the forearm might have to amputated to stop the spread." She always wants them to fear the worst.
"If that's true," the Nueva Conquistador says in a passionate voice, "I want to package it up and give it to her."
"We'll try something else first," she says, looking up at him with a shadowed face. "This will hurt--terribly."
"I can forgo it," the Nueva Conquistador tells her. "Don't make it so she won't want more."
"Maybe it will make her want more of you," The Witch says with distaste. She takes a vial of an ointment made from a thorny plant she named Salve. "Bite onto something so I don't hear you scream," she commands him and dabs on the yellowish ointment with a dirty rag.
The Nueva Conquistador's screams are muffled through the stick he grounds his teeth against. She knows it's sad, but she truly enjoys pretending to heal these vial men, while making them suffer.
"Tell the others to stay out of the forest, until I look through my scrying ball for a way to rid the island of this demonic creature."
"Don't hurt her," the Nueva Conquistador bags.
"I must," The Witch tells him solemnly. She had heard of The Cannibal Ship, called the Carne Insaciable. No friends of Captain Barthadrow. Perhaps she could make an ally, of this flesh eater, of her enemy.
Taylor Norris, RMT, as First Mate 'One Eye' Olanis: taynorris@gmail.com (Kitchener-Waterloo)
The Witch's (cloak by Creaturre Clothing: https://www.instagram.com/creaturreclothing/?hl=en, dual blade knife by fireandsteel.ca)
With thanks to Joanne Gosling (Navigator 'Storm Caller' Master Jo Anne): Joanne is an Interior Decorator who specializes in closets: Jgosling@calclosets.com Calclosetsjoanne or Joannegosling22@gmail.com
Leah Weir (Helmswoman 'Wheel Turner' Synthia): model and cover editor (pictures by: professional family and baby photographer Kimberley Lee (kimberleyleephotography.co.uk); (El Cid Rapier by blades-uk.com)
Andraya Watt as Assistant-Master-at-Arms, Amelie
Maegan Curlyo as Master-at-Arms "Dizzying Blade" Sadie (pictures of Maegan by Ben Kraehling)
With Thanks To:
Fire & Steel for the Medieval Rapier: http://fireandsteel.ca/
Creaturre Clothing: https://www.instagram.com/creaturreclothing/?hl=en
Alex Watt for background pictures
Daiana Duca for background pictures
Krissy Karmaschek for background pictures
Gimp 2.0 (for picture effects)
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