Here are the writeups I've done for old picoCTF puzzles.

Please try to solve these puzzles on your own before blindly following these writeups to get points.

Puzzle Name Category Point Value Tools Used
Obedient Cat General Skills 5 cat
Mod 26 Cryptography 10 CyberChef
Python Wrangling General Skills 10 Python
Wave a flag General Skills 10 strings, file
information Forensics 10 exiftool, CyberChef
Nice netcat... General Skills 15 CyberChef, netcat
Transformation Reverse Engineering 20 Python, xxd, awk
Stonks Binary Exploitation 20 netcat, CyberChef, shell scripting
GET aHEAD Web Exploitation 20 curl
Mind your Ps and Qs Cryptography 20
Static ain't always noise General Skills 20 file, strings
Tab, Tab, Attack General Skills 20 unzip, file, strings
keygenme-py Reverse Engineering 30
Matryoshka doll Forensics 30 file, hex editor, binwalk,
crackme-py Reverse Engineering 30
Magikarp Ground Mission General Skills 30 ssh, ls, cat
tunn3l v1s10n Forensics 40
Easy Peasy Cryptography 40
ARMssembly 0 Reverse Engineering 40
Cookies Web Exploitation 40 EditThisCookie
vault-door-training Reverse Engineering 50
Insp3ct0r Web Exploitation 50
Lets Warm Up General Skills 50 manual pages
Glory of the Garden Forensics 50
Warmed Up General Skills 50 Python
The Numbers Cryptography 50
2Warm General Skills 50 math
Wireshark doo doooo do doo... Forensics 50
speeds and feeds Reverse Engineering 50
Shop Reverse Engineering 50
Scavenger Hunt Web Exploitation 50
HacroHard WeakEdge Forensics 60 oletools, shell scripting, base64
New Caesar Cryptography 60
ARMssembly 1 Reverse Engineering 70
Cache Me Outside Binary Exploitation 70
Some Assembly Required 1 Web Exploitation 70
Mini RSA Cryptography 70
Dachshund Attacks Cryptography 80
Trivial Flag Transfer Protocol Forensics 90 Wireshark, file, tar, cat, steghide,
More Cookies Web Exploitation 90
ARMssembly 2 Reverse Engineering 90
No Padding, No Problem Cryptography 90
Here's a LIBC Binary Exploitation 90
where are the robots Web Exploitation 100 Web browser
vault-door-1 Reverse Engineering 100
what's a net cat? General Skills 100 netcat
strings it General Skills 100
Easy1 Cryptography 100
logon Web Exploitation 100
13 Cryptography 100
caesar Cryptography 100
dont-use-client-side Web Exploitation 100
Bases General Skills 100 CyberChef, base64
First Grep General Skills 100 grep, file
Pixelated Cryptography 100
It is my Birthday Web Exploitation 100
Wireshark twoo twooo two twoo... Forensics 100
Who are you? Web Exploitation 100
Hurry up! Wait! Reverse Engineering 100
Unsubscriptions Are Free Binary Exploitation 100
login Web Exploitation 100
advanced-potion-making Forensics 100
spelling-quiz Cryptography 100
Disk, disk, sleuth! Forensics 110
Play Nice Cryptography 110
Some Assembly Required 2 Web Exploitation 110
gogo Reverse Engineering 110
Milkslap Forensics 120 zsteg, exiftool, file
Double DES Cryptography 120
ARMssembly 3 Reverse Engineering 130
Compress and Attack Cryptography 130
Disk, disk, sleuth! II Forensics 130
Super Serial Web Exploitation 130
Scrambled: RSA Cryptography 140
So Meta Forensics 150 exiftool
shark on wire 1 Forensics 150 Wireshark
extensions Forensics 150 file
What Lies Within Forensics 150 zsteg
Let's get dynamic Reverse Engineering 150
Most Cookies Web Exploitation 150
caas Web Exploitation 150
XtraORdinary Cryptography 150
triple-secure Cryptography 150
clutter-overflow Binary Exploitation 150
not crypto Reverse Engineering 150
Easy as GDB Reverse Engineering 160
Some Assembly Required 3 Web Exploitation 160
filtered-shellcode Binary Exploitation 160
Web Gauntlet 2 Web Exploitation 170
ARMssembly 4 Reverse Engineering 170
Powershelly Reverse Engineering 180
la cifra de Cryptography 200
picobrowser Web Exploitation 200
asm1 Reverse Engineering 200
Tapping Cryptography 200
Flags Cryptography 200
Based General Skills 200 netcat, CyberChef
Mr-Worldwide Cryptography 200
plumbing General Skills 200 netcat, grep
vault-door-3 Reverse Engineering 200
rsa-pop-quiz Cryptography 200
Client-side-again Web Exploitation 200
Pitter, Patter, Platters Forensics 200 Active@ Disk Editor, file, mount
Web Gauntlet Web Exploitation 200
Kit Engine Binary Exploitation 200
Some Assembly Required 4 Web Exploitation 200
scrambled-bytes Forensics 200
breadth Reverse Engineering 200
WPA-ing Out Forensics 200
asm2 Reverse Engineering 250
m00nwalk Forensics 250
WhitePages Forensics 250 emacs, Python, CyberChef
c0rrupt Forensics 250
vault-door-4 Reverse Engineering 250
like1000 Forensics 250 tar, shell scripting
Guessing Game 1 Binary Exploitation 250
Surfing the Waves Forensics 250
Stonk Market Binary Exploitation 250
X marks the spot Web Exploitation 250
notepad Web Exploitation 250
college-rowing-team Cryptography 250
fermat-strings Binary Exploitation 250
droids0 Reverse Engineering 300
mus1c General Skills 300 Rockstar, CyberChef
m00nwalk2 Forensics 300
waves over lambda Cryptography 300
messy-malloc Binary Exploitation 300
flag_shop General Skills 300 Netcat, emacs
Investigative Reversing 0 Forensics 300
asm3 Reverse Engineering 300
miniRSA Cryptography 300
vault-door-5 Reverse Engineering 300
reverse_cipher Reverse Engineering 300
Irish-Name-Repo 1 Web Exploitation 300
shark on wire 2 Forensics 300 strings, Wireshark, CyberChef, tcpdump, awk, sed
Guessing Game 2 Binary Exploitation 300
OTP Implementation Reverse Engineering 300
It's Not My Fault 1 Cryptography 300
Web Gauntlet 3 Web Exploitation 300
Very very very Hidden Forensics 300 Wireshark, file, Python, CyberChef
New Vignere Crypgotraphy 300
Rolling My Own Reverse Engineering 300
JAuth Web Exploitation 300
Investigative Reversing 2 Forensics 350
WebNet0 Forensics 350 Wireshark
vault-door-6 Reverse Engineering 350
seed-sPRiNG Binary Exploitation 350
Irish-Name-Repo 2 Web Exploitation 350
1_wanna_b3_a_r0ck5tar General Skills 350
Download Horsepower Binary Exploitation 350
corrupt-key-1 Cryptography 350
SaaS Binary Exploitation 350
riscy business Reverse Engineering 350
Checkpass Reverse Engineering 375
b00tl3gRSA2 Cryptography 400
asm4 Reverse Engineering 400
Irish-Name-Repo 3 Web Exploitation 400
JaWT Scratchpad Web Exploitation 400
Java Script Kiddie Web Exploitation 400
Need For Speed Reverse Engineering 400
Investigative Reversing 4 Forensics 400
B1ll_Gat35 Reverse Engineering 400
droids2 Reverse Engineering 400
vault-door-7 Reverse Engineering 400
AES-ABC Cryptography 400
Investigative Reversing 3 Forensics 400
The Office Binary Exploitation 400
homework Binary Exploitation 400
vault-door-8 Reverse Engineering 450
droids3 Reverse Engineering 450
Java Script Kiddie 2 Web Exploitation 450
WebNet1 Forensics 450 Wireshark
investigation_encoded_1 Forensics 450
b00tl3gRSA3 Cryptography 450
Turoflan Binary Exploitation 450
lockdown-horses Binary Exploitation 450
john_pollard Cryptography 500
droids4 Reverse Engineering 500
Forky Reverse Engineering 500
investigation_encoded_2 Forensics 500
sice_cream Binary Exploitation 500
B1g_Mac Forensics 500
zero_to_hero Binary Exploitation 500
Clouds Cryptography 500
Bizz Fuzz Binary Exploitation 500
Bithug Web Exploitation 500
corrupt-key-2 Cryptography 500
vr-school Binary Exploitation 500
MATRIX Reverse Engineering 500
picoCTF puzzles